Product Led Growth Marketing

We Cannot Solve Our Problems With The Same Thinking We Used To Create Them – Albert Einstein

That feeling when you have a great idea \ You’re gaining traction \ Customers are happy \ Time to scale up \ Claim the treasured Product Market Fit 

You know you have the answers \ Hidden somewhere inside you


You just aren’t able to articulate it \ Formulate it into comprehensive actionable strategies

You keep focusing on action \ Trying new things \ Keeping the hope alive \ Things will click

This was my story \ My first D2C venture \ Creating beautiful physical product experiences \ Growing steadily despite bootstrapping 

13 passionate rebels \ Rave feedback from customers


Getting pulled in too many directions at once \ Weren’t able to discern between noise and signals \ There’s so much information

We had to shut down \ The hardest phase of my life

I went back to the fundamentals \ Realized the mistakes I made \ Designed new processes and strategy tools

Applied them as CMO \ Cresta School of Management, Science & Arts \ Focused on signals \ Discarded the noise


Grew Cresta 12x in size and revenue \ 4x in company size \ Opened 2 new institutes

Thrived during COVID unlike other institutes \ Well-know across India

All it takes is using the right process to create impact where its most needed

I’ve helped startups in Content Tech, Social Networking, and Sustainability Products scale

I now want to help you do the same. Now it’s our time

Our process is called Product Led Growth Marketing

Growth Marketing is a holistic and data-driven approach to marketing. It focuses on the entire funnel (rather than just the top of the funnel) and applies the scientific method—formulating hypotheses, testing these hypotheses, then refining or eliminating them.

Product Led Growth Marketing is the intersection of Growth, Marketing, Product, Brand and Venture Design. This is a key space that only founders, C Level Execs, or company superstars can function in.

“A good idea is not good enough. Users have to be pulled in. Your customers, in fact, have to be “acquired”. The best way targeted strategies in the right places aimed at the right people” – Ryan Holiday, Growth Hacker Marketing

Traditional marketing paradigms are Outside In

The Growth paradigm is Inside Out

These are the three functions we focus on

Venture Design

Venture Design is literally your highest leverage function. It’s not something done only at the start of the venture or when you reach a certain level. It’s the map that guides your way every day.

Growth + Marketing

Growth + Marketing is at the intersection of marketing, sales, and product. We primarily focus on increasing revenue through a deep understanding of the market, the customers, the product, and linking it to all our channels. While Growth manifests into many different structures and objectives, it’s driven through a small set of insights, decisions, and ideas that provide the direction for the idea.


Visual Branding is about creating the body for your organisation; strategic branding is about instilling spirit into his body. It’s your DNA. It’s how your organization functions internally, as well as how you interact with the outside world. It’s how you ensure your activities are in line with your values. It guides all your decisions and projects at a principle level. A well-defined Brand is like a well-built personality – harmonious on the inside, distinct, and clearly recognised and admired by people around you

We use a rigorous Systems Building Mindset to create impactful structures for the following interventions

The impact on the company (Columns) for each intervention category (Rows) is

ImpactVenture DesignPLGMBrand Identity
Venture DesignHighLowLow

Depending on the level of clarity you have and your goals, we customize a plan. We follow a simple per-hour pricing – 5000 / hour
The price is reduced to 3000 / hour for social impact organizations only

We start with a complimentary 2 hour discovery session to understand the current state and clarify our goals. You can book this session through this link –

We know you have burning questions and objections to everything we say, and we appreciate them. Let’s talk. Here’s our contact –

Deseentialist Consulting Arm

client solutions: Darpan Shah 
email: consulting at dessentialist dot com
phone: +91 97422 97462